DRI Marketing – Dive RAID International https://diveraid.com THE RAID WAY Fri, 02 Feb 2024 13:01:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://diveraid.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/LOGO_S_200.png DRI Marketing – Dive RAID International https://diveraid.com 32 32 RAID Makes You Look Like a Pro https://diveraid.com/action-camera-big-results-from-raid/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 20:11:09 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19418 GET THE BEST RESULTS FROM YOUR U/W ACTION CAMERA

Exploring the underwater world is indeed a breathtaking adventure full of beauty and wonder! Whether it’s snorkeling or scuba diving… or simply floating around and observing marine life from the surface. There are so many ways to experience the mysteries of the ocean; and more ways than ever to capture its beauty.

Underwater photography, especially shooting underwater video, used to require tonnes of expensive, complicated, and heavy equipment. It took patience too because before digital cameras, you’d wait for days—sometimes weeks—before old-fashioned film was processed and sent back from the lab.

The real revolution has been to invention of the ACTION CAMERA. Move over super expensive, bulky, and difficult to use traditional gear; welcome a solution that’s affordable, fits in a carry-on, and doesn’t involve overweight baggage fees.

Action Cameras are durable and tough enough to withstand extreme conditions, making them ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and SCUBA diving!

They’re lightweight, small and compact so they can “go anywhere:” even mounted on a mask strap or other dive gear. For the dedicated user, there are useful accessories such as trays, lights, hardware to attach them to you or your gear, and tough underwater housings.

The results are super high-quality producing clear video and still image capture.

PLUS: with their standard wide-angle lens they lend a neat perspective on the action: fish, shipwrecks, coral gardens, whatever. And many action cameras are equipped with built-in stabilization technology to reduce camera shake and produce steady footage, even during high-intensity activities.

Most of all action cameras are waterproof or come with a protective housing, allowing them to be used underwater. Even beyond recreational limits with special housings.

Overall, the advantages of action cameras make them an excellent choice for capturing underwater adventures.

RAID’s Action Camera program was developed specifically for the agency by award-winning image maker Jeff Goodman. It covers more than just the basics—including video editing—and is the perfect learning tool to make your underwater videos and images tell the real story about your passion.

Tell your local RAID Dive Centre you want to move your underwater video and still images to a new level with an Action Camera course.

The RAID Way™ in Cyprus https://diveraid.com/the-raid-way-in-cyprus/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:33:37 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19360
Inside the world-class wreck of Zenobia

Cyprus, like so many spots in the Mediterranean, offers an unforgettable experience for scuba divers. Diverse marine life—and plenty of it—contribute to truly remarkable underwater beauty. So, whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner looking to explore the deep blue sea, this island nation is worth adding to the “must dive” spots.

The great news is that diving in Cyprus has received a significant boost with the arrival of Dive RAID International and The RAID Way™ in the guise of brand-new Instructor Trainers for the agency. Known for the skills-based training methods, the island’s new instructors will have a positive impact on Cyprus’ scuba diving tourism and on the overall quality of the diving services provided.

Starting right now, Dive RAID International divers in Cyprus can feel confident taking advantage of top-notch diving courses, from beginners to advanced divers with these newly-certified professional members.

Having Dive RAID International in Cyprus also means that there will be professional instructors who are highly trained and certified. This increases the overall safety and quality of the diving experience.

(L to R) PJ Prinsloo, Godfrey Mathews, Nicolas Pantopiou, Christos Patsalides.

Furthermore, this development boosts the scuba diving industry of Cyprus and its reputation on a global scale. While Cyprus doesn’t have all the wrecks that Malta has for example, it does have the great Zenobia,onsidered one of the best wreck dives in the world. The Zenobia was a roll-on roll-off ferry that sank in 1980. Now, it is home to a variety of marine life including groupers, barracudas, turtles, and more. It’s a great spot for experienced divers.

“Our guys” are primarily based up in Ayai Napa and Proturas, that is really the main beach tourist area, and has a number of shore entry dive sites. However, they can set up an expedition to other areas if you have a specific dive in mind.

Tourism in Cyprus is growing, it’s almost back to 2019 levels with about 3,5 million visitors a year. The island is also investing huge amounts of money on new developments. For instance, a $1,5 Billion new Marina is being built in Larnaca. With shipwrecks, marine parks, and caves, Cyprus has something for every diver. Now with Dive RAID International in the picture, Cyprus’s scuba diving scene has leveled up and can compete with top scuba diving destinations around the world.

So, regardless of your preferences—looking to learn how to dive or an experienced technical diver looking for new challenges—you can thank RAID Director Training, PJ Prinsloo, Regional Office manager, Christos Patsalides, and newly certified RAID ITs, Godfrey Mathews and Nicolas Pantopiou, for being there to offer a safe and fun experience exploring the diverse underwater sites waiting for you in Cyprus.

About Drysuits https://diveraid.com/about-drysuits/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:47:37 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19322 The RAID Way™

Drysuit diving can seem a challenge and to some, used to seeing ads and stock photos of scuba divers in microthin wetsuits, just the thought might be intimidating. After all, drysuits are complex and costly… or that’s the perception. However, if you peel back the layers, you’ll find a world of benefits that make it an appealing choice for many divers. The biggest benefit of a dry suit is the ability to use it in various conditions, which makes it the better option compared to any wetsuit. This flexibility is because a diver can add or subtract undergarments to suit the water/surface conditions. Many divers use their dry suit year round, from warm water locations to under the ice in winter.

You know that feeling when you put on a pair of well-worn jeans? The ones that fit just right and let you move around freely? Well, that’s kind of what wearing a drysuit feels like, but underwater. Sure, it might look a bit more complex than your favorite pair of denim, but let me tell you, a good drysuit delivers maximum comfort and mobility when you’re submerged.

Unlike wetsuits, drysuits give you plenty of room to do your thing underwater. Whether that’s gracefully gliding around a coral reef or navigating through a narrow underwater cave, a drysuit fits the bill. You can twist, turn, and somersault to your heart’s content. No restrictions, no limitations—just you and the open water.

And here’s the kicker—once your dive is over, you’re not all soggy and wet. Imagine finishing an epic dive and being able to get right back into your regular clothes without having to wrangle a wet wetsuit off or wait for it to dry. Now that’s convenience. So yeah, if you’re all about comfort and freedom when diving, it’s time to give drysuit diving a whirl. You’ll wonder why you didn’t switch sooner.

Let’s get real for a moment, shall we? Diving can be risky business. No matter how skilled you are, there’s always a certain degree of risk involved when you’re exploring the underwater world. But here’s the thing: with proper training behind you (LINK), drysuits can help keep those risks to a minimum. You see, they do more than just keep you warm and dry. They’ve got some pretty nifty safety features built right in.

One of these is a buoyancy control device. This handy-dandy feature lets you control your ascent and descent underwater. So, instead of bobbing around like a cork, you can smoothly glide up and down. Not only does this give you more control over your dive, but it also lowers the risk of see-saw dive profils and the complications of decompression sickness.

On top of that, the superior insulation provided by drysuits reduces your risk of hypothermia when you’re diving in colder waters. So even if you’re up for an epic iceberg dive in Norway or Canada, you can keep warm and cozy in your drysuit, minimizing the risk of getting too cold.

Safety is always paramount in diving, and drysuits are all about safety. They’re not just about comfort or exploring colder, deeper waters, they’re designed with your well-being in mind. So, while you’re planning your next big dive, remember: a drysuit doesn’t just keep you dry; it keeps you safe too. Let’s call it the superhero of diving gear, shall we? It might not have a flashy cape, but it’s got your back when you need it most. Dive in with a drysuit and experience safer dives like never before.

Let’s talk about longevity, friends. If a drysuit and a wetsuit were to go head-to-head in a durability contest, the drysuit would take home the gold, no question about it. Picture this: You’re suited up, ready to dive into the rough and rugged undersea landscape. You need gear that can withstand those conditions, right? That’s where the drysuit steps in.

A modern drysuit from one of the several leading manufacturers supported by RAID dive centres around the world, are made from tough stuff. We’re talking neoprene, crushed neoprene, or some hardcore trilaminate. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? That’s because it is! These materials aren’t just there to sound cool; they serve a purpose. They resist the wear and tear that comes with exploring those harsh underwater environments.

But don’t just take my word for it. Ask any seasoned diver, and they’ll tell you the same. A well-cared-for drysuit can hang around your gear locker for years on end. So, while it might seem like a bit of a splurge at first, think about all those replacement wetsuits you won’t have to buy. Suddenly, that drysuit starts looking like a pretty smart investment. So, if you’re a diver who’s in it for the long haul, do yourself a favor and give drysuit diving a try. You’ll be thanking yourself dive after dive.

Here’s a little secret: diving with a drysuit is a game-changer for your scuba skills. Think about it. Mastering a drysuit means you’re dialing in on techniques like buoyancy control, which is a major deal in the diving world. It’s like the fine-tuning knob on your dive control panel, requiring an extra level of precision and finesse. So not only does drysuit diving expand your underwater playground, but it also turns you into a more skilled diver. Double win!

But hold on, there’s more. Becoming a certified drysuit diver with RAID also paves the way to more advanced diving opportunities. We’re talking explorations in untouched underwater territories, specialized dives, and all that jazz. So, buckle up, buddy! Diving with a drysuit is more than just an upgrade in gear; it’s a boost to your diving prowess and a passport to even more exciting underwater adventures. Time to up your diving game: are you ready?

Other than being dry at the end of your dive (well, you should pack a towel for your hair), here are some key differences.

1. Warmth and Comfort.

2. Buoyancy control and Safety.

3. Ability to dive in varying conditions.

4. Cost of ownership over the long-haul.

To uncover more about the benefits of drysuit diving, contact your RAID dive instructor to see if it’s a wise choice for you.

You can also review RAID’s drysuit program anytime by visiting FREe-Learning or visit your local RAID Dive Centre to find out more.

NOTE TO RAID PROS. Contact your RRO to take advantage of the February Special Promotion.

Comfort Reimagined https://diveraid.com/comfort-reimagined/ Fri, 12 Jan 2024 14:46:30 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19171

Diving with an OCEAN REEF Integrated Diving Mask is a totally new experience and brings a different vision to your underwater adventures.

Full face masks offer greater safety and comfort, especially in cold or dirty water. For ice-diving, they are the closest thing to a ‘must-have.’ And they are often part of a public safety diver’s basic kit. But they have plenty of benefits for day-to-day sport diving as well.

A IDM gives divers a clearer and broader field of view, and breathing with a full face mask is extremely comfortable because the diver can breathe more naturally than with a traditional scuba second stage—through their nose!

Another benefit for instructors (and other divers too) is the option of fitting the OCEAN REEF IDM with communications. Being able to communicate with students, one-way or duplex brings a whole new dimension to confined-water training.

Ask your local RAID dive centre about the RAID IDM program and the features and benefits of OCEAN REEF’s flexible, feature-packed, and revolutionary IDM. While you’re talking, ask about how easy it is to make your IDM fully customized with useful and functional accessories.


Wreck Camp Malta https://diveraid.com/wreck-camp-malta/ Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:28:23 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19035

Mark this one in your travel calendar, because it promises to be memorable. For those in the know, Malta offers some very fine ocean wreck diving in moderate conditions with water temperatures in October in the low to mid 20s.

This week-long Severntec Diving event will be hosted at Paradive Diving School, and divers at all levels and any diver certified through a recognised agency is welcome.

That said, divers will be able to upgrade their certifications and RAID wreck, advanced wreck, DPV and others programs will be offered. (Please book any training spots asap since space is limited and these dive sites are among the very best in the Mediterranean, so spots will fill fast.)

Duration: 8 days. This will be in recreational limits unless arrangements are made prior to event

The sites so far on the agenda include: HMS Māori, X127, P31, Rozi, Hephaestus, MV Karwela, MV Cominoland, Um El Faroude. (Please note, HMS Māori, X127, P29 and Rozi are shore dives.)


Dive package which includes: Nitrox (12-15 Litre Cylinders), ten dives (two days of shore dives three days on boat) for €500 (€50 per dive).

More details to come, but contact Kevin Murphy and Severntec Diving to sign-up and to book your spot.

For more information about Paradise Diving, visit their FaceBook page, or the events listing on FaceBook.

The MV Karwela
The Staircase Dive (the wreck of the MV Karwel
Choose a career with RAID!  https://diveraid.com/19025/ Sun, 07 Jan 2024 21:53:01 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19025

Looking to take your diving career to new levels? RAID is proud to announce its ascent as the leading agency for diving leadership. 

Why RAID? There are 1001 Reasons but here are four to think about

  • Cutting-Edge Training: Experience world-class training programs designed by industry experts. 
  • Global Recognition: Join a community recognized globally for its commitment to excellence.
  • Innovative Curriculum: Stay ahead with innovative courses tailored for today’s diving leaders.
  • Unparalleled Support: Benefit from a network of experienced professionals dedicated to your success.

Discover the Leader in You! 

Embark on a journey with RAID, where leadership meets adventure beneath the waves. Whether you’re starting your leadership path or looking to advance your skills, choose RAID — where leadership and diving unite seamlessly.

Dive into Leadership Today RIGHT HERE!

RAID – Setting the Standard for Diving Leadership Worldwide. 

Official response to changes in business practices https://diveraid.com/official-response-to-changes-in-business-practices/ Sun, 07 Jan 2024 20:50:00 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=19006 On behalf of the shareholders and management team at Dive RAID International (RAID), we wish to make it clear that our agency does NOT plan to restrict our members from conducting business however they wish and in a way that works best in their market.

We are aware that a competitive certification agency has recently decided that dive centres in certain regions who “fly its flag” may no longer offer courses from other companies. Offering alternative programs in these regions, either to offer courses NOT in their curriculum or to simply offer customer choice, will result in what amounts to expulsion.

RAID wants to assure its members that it has no plans to embrace a similar tactic. With very few restrictions, RAID allows RAID instructors and DCs choice, and encourages broad support of the dive industry as a whole community. We also believe that doing so supports the spirit and intent behind our membership to WRSTC, ISO, RTC, et al.

Our open market policy is part of doing business The RAID Way™ which includes Zero Fee-Membership, highly competitive pricing, and support for our professionals rather than unilaterally deciding to restrict their business.

We do understand that an analogy exists that while Hoover is synonymous with vacuum cleaners, consumers sometimes chose to buy Dyson because it better suits their needs. The same may be said of consumers deciding to buy scuba and freediving training. Brand primacy does not equate to the best choice for every consumer, and RAID believes in a fair, open market.

Again, RAID supports customer choice and we are comfortable being judged on our high standards, track record for safety, quality, inclusiveness, and ethical business practices.

Dive RAID Brasil | Dive RAID Latin America | Dive RAID Benelux | RAID Maldives | Dive RAID Malta & Gozo | RAID Deutschland | Dive RAID UK | RAID USA | Dive RAID Southern Africa | TheRAIDway-Pro Group | | Dive RAID Italia | Dive RAID Asia | Dive RAID International | et al

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Growing the IT network in UK https://diveraid.com/growing-the-it-network-in-uk/ Sun, 07 Jan 2024 20:11:26 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=18988

Karl Kruger has been a valued member of Dive RAID International’s instructor-team since he joined us in 2017.

As a former Military Diving Supervisor, he has been sharing his love of diving teaching what works in all sorts of conditions for close to 30 years. He has a great skills-based approach in his programs and has a quick eye fixing student problems with confidence and empathy: a perfect fit with RAID’s teaching philosophy.

So, of course, it came as no surprise that he has successfully passed his RAID Instructor Trainer program recently.

“With his passion for training all levels of students, recreational and tech, and a special love of exploring wrecks home and aboard, Karl is perfectly placed in South Wales at Bay Divers to offer his vast industry experience. We feel strongly that Karl’s skills a an Instructor Trainer will help him expand his business and Dive RAID International’s,” said James Rogers, RAID UK Business Director.

Karl is a Regional Representative for RAID UK, he can explain why he chose RAID originally: just ask. He can assist you as a diver, Instructor or Dive Centre to make the same choice bringing positive change to the dive industry starting today.

His email is: Karl@diveraiduk.com

Please join us in congratulating him – and well done again from everyone at RAID HQ!

Karl hard at work!
Lungfish CCR closer to CE accreditation. https://diveraid.com/lungfish-ccr-closer-to-ce-accreditation/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 15:06:17 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=18964

RAID has just received some great and exciting news about one of “our” CCRs. The ORCA v6 Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) is one step closer to making a huge splash in the European rebreather market!

To be fully supported in EU countries (and the UK), a rebreather must conform to CE. The CE marking confirms that a product meets EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. It is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world that are then marketed in the EU.

Lungfish have successfully done all the practical tests, and the manufacturer has announced its application to attach the CE logo to the ORCA is at ‘the pivotal moment of submitting our technical file for CE certification to 100 m.’

A spokesperson for the UK-based manufacturer explained: ‘This process is the key to officially introducing the light and compact, powerful ORCA v6 with its unique user sizeable lungs and solid-state CO2 sensor, to the European market.’

We’d like to offer the agency’s congratulations to the team at Lungfish for this landmark event.

Don’t miss the chance to be among the first to explore the depths with the ORCA v6!

Have questions or eager to learn more? Drop RAID HQ an email and ask for more information about our Lungfish CCR Programs.


RECREATIONAL COURSES FLOWCHART https://diveraid.com/recreational-courses-flowchart/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 19:52:18 +0000 https://diveraid.com/?p=9521 ]]>