RAID International
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The Benefits of Being an Online Training Partner

IT’S THE BEST OPTION FOR YOU… HERE’S HOW IT WORKS RAID is an online business; we always have been. We like the whole vibe that being totally digital conveys: that’s to say a sense of community, open access, and inclusivity. And it really helps the company keep the smallest environmental ‘fin-print in the industry.’ One […]


EXPEDITION GRADE MIXED GAS REBREATHER RAID is proud to welcome the iQsub XCCR as one of our recommended rebreather units. XCCR training is now available through RAID. Please contact HQ for more information and a listing of RAID instructors offering diver training on this unit. You may cross over your instructor credentials from your current […]

Some of more than 1001 reasons to choose RAID

Pro-diver or pro diving, here’s a listing of ways RAID can change your life. And your choices are growing because our training department adds new courses every month or so. To check what’s new, browse our press releases>>> or contact RAID in your area>>>. SEND RAID HQ AN EMAIL…

Renewals For Members 2023

Dear member: thank you for your support, and thank you for helping us to make 2023 so successful. This year, we have tried to make renewing your professional status easier than ever… READ HOW BELOW. And of course, Zero FEe-Membership really helps to make the process pain-free… we’re happy to help there too. QUESTIONS: CONTACT […]

What does “global acceptance” mean exactly?

The RAID Way™ in action Compared to some of the original diver certification agencies (the dive industry’s granny and grandpa companies), RAID is a relative newcomer with a little more than a seven-year history. However, in that time we’ve earned a reputation for delivering quality instruction, respecting student safety above the almighty dollar, and delivering […]

RAID Benelux open for business

Growth without quality is a poor strategy for any business, but especially a scuba and freediving agency. So, when we took over the responsibility for Dive RAID International, we promised to make sure when we added people to our team they would be totally committed to bringing positive change to the industry. And that’s why […]

Upsetting the Status Quo

There’s no place for an old-boys club here. At RAID we make a big thing about being innovative and aware of what we believe the industry needs. That’s not just marketing BS and lip-service. When the agency decides that something is going to affect our members and their business (which of course is our business), […]

RAID Now Supports ORCA v6 from LUNGFISH

RAID is thrilled tell you about its collaboration with Lungfish Dive Systems, and to introduce a new option to our cutting-edge range of rebreather courses. The Lungfish Dive System blends simplicity with advanced operational capabilities in a compact and flexible unit that’s equally at home in recreational or expedition mode, which sets a new standard […]

Why the RAID experience is worth checking out

A message to divers or anyone interested in becoming one At last count, there are around 120 diver certification agencies in the world. Of course, most of those are regional operations or closely associated with sports clubs, and by definition, have little impact on what is a thriving global industry. Of the remainder, there are […]